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Faith-Based Organizations

Customized group accident, travel insurance, active shooter/felonious assault, kidnap & ransom, liability and much more for any faith-based organization.

Faith-Based organizations face multiple risks in the U.S. and abroad. Proper insurance and risk management strategies are essential to sustain the viability of the organization from a financial and legal standpoint, but it also has a moral obligation to protect anyone that is associated with the organization.


  • Special Risk - Group Accident
    (Accidental Death & Dismemberment
    and Accident Medical).
  • International Group Travel Medical
    & Med-Evac
  • Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion
    & Crisis Management
  • Foreign General Liability
    & Foreign Workers Comp
  • Active Shooter/Felonious Assault Accident

Ideal For

  • Church & Church related Activities
    (i.e. Clubs, Organized Events & Festivals).
  • Faith Based Initiatives & Foundations
  • Missionary Groups with Domestic
    & International Travel.
  • Religious Outreach Programs & Education
    (i.e. Leadership Development)
  • Church Leagues (i.e. Organized Sports Teams).


Church leaders are faced with tough decisions when it comes to properly protecting their members, volunteers, staff, and clergy. Many of the over 300,000 faith-based organizations operating in the United States have multiple locations that may require domestic or internationally travel. Proper insurance and risk management strategies are necessary to sustain the viability of the organization from a financial and legal standpoint, but it also has a moral obligation to protect anyone that is associated with the organization. Underestimating the totality of not properly protecting the people in your organization can be catastrophic. However, when the leadership of the organization makes a conscience decision to actively reduce the risk of accidents, senseless tragedies, and they start to understand the complexities of international travel exposures such as wrongful detention, hijackings, kidnap and ransom, crisis management, medical emergencies, medical evacuations and repatriation, international liability, political and civil unrest, and personal security they are truly embracing best practice procedures and duty of care obligations that are critical to the success and well-being of their organization.

Group Special Risk Accident

Global Underwriters’ group accident coverage is an ideal solution for Faith-Based Organizations that are intentional about protecting their most important asset – which are the members, volunteers, staff, and clergy that support the organization. Group accident insurance can also help mitigate certain general liability exposures for the institution. Having adequate amounts of on-and-off premise accident coverage for assemblies, missionary trips (domestic & international), church sponsored events, sporting activities, outreach and education programs should be an essential part of the overall risk management strategy for the organization.

Product Utilization:

  • Faith based accident plan designs are flexible and customized to meet the organizations needs and can provide accident medical, accidental death and dismemberment, coma, paralysis, and active shooter-felonious assault coverage.
  • Domestic Group Travel insurance can be included to cover missionary trips and outreach programs.
  • Policies are written on an annual policy term and may cover specific activities that are agreed to in advance.
  • Policies can be primary or excess coverage and they can be written on a voluntary or mandatory basis.
  • Higher risk activities or special events can be added to the policy on an optional basis.

Who’s purchasing this coverage:

  • Faith Based/Religious Organizations.
  • Houses of Worship, Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
  • Parochial Schools
  • Missionary Groups
  • Outreach Initiatives/Educational Programs

Start Group Special Risk Accident Application Today

International Group Travel Medical

Global Underwriters’ International Group Travel Medical policies are customized to meet the changing needs of today’s Faith-based organizations. Thousands of religious organizations are sending clergy, staff, volunteers, and members overseas every day for educational outreach programs and missionary trips. International Group Medical plans are designed to protect members traveling abroad on behalf of the organization, but these plans are also designed to help mitigate potential financial liabilities for the institution by meeting current “duty of care” obligations and implementing “best practice” procedures for the entire organization. Both U.S. citizens and foreign group members of U.S. based organizations are eligible for this type of policy. Plus, coverage can be tailored to match the groups risk profile, which means the plan is carefully designed and implemented with proven Travel Risk Management strategies, which help to ensure the safety and security of the members and the institution.

Product Utilization:

  • 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services is always included as part of our international group travel medical plans for faith-based organizations.
  • Out of Country Medical (accident & sickness) coverage and accidental death & dismemberment (AD&D) are typically the foundation for any International Group Travel plan, but we offer flexible plan designs that can be tailored to meet your immediate international insurance needs.
  • Emergency Medical Air Evacuation and Repatriation benefits are an essential part of any international group travel medical plan that we offer to faith-based organizations.
  • Global Underwriters also offers seamless Claims Processing and Adjudication capabilities on certain cases that we write.
  • Travel Risk Management services are also available to enhance and fully integrate global insurance needs, risk assessment, best practices, Security intelligence, travel risk, and crisis management/response for faith-based organizations.

Other Optional Enhancements:

  • War Risk Coverage.
  • Political Security Evacuations.
  • High Limit Accidental Death & Dismemberment.
  • Hazardous Activity Coverage.
  • Coma & Paralysis Benefits.

Who’s purchasing this coverage:

  • Faith Based/Religious Organizations.
  • Houses of Worship, Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
  • Parochial Schools
  • Missionary Groups
  • Outreach Initiatives/Educational Programs

Start Customizable Group Application Today

Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion

Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion and Crisis Management

Increasingly, faith-based organizations are participating in travel, study, and missionary work abroad. As the world grows ever more volatile, participants in these faith-based sponsored programs are exposed to Wrongful Detention, Hijacking, Kidnapping, and political unrest even in countries considered relatively safe. Houses of worship are considered “soft targets” and are increasingly being confronted with violent attacks. It’s essential for religious leaders to understand “duty of care” obligations which provide clergy, staff, church members, volunteers, and missionaries with protection against such events. Leadership also has an institutional obligation to protect itself from lawsuits for failure to adequately provide proper protection to its members that are working abroad.

Product Utilization:

  • Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion insurance should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to mitigate risk for faith-based organizations.
  • Proper Implementation of a KRE policy includes but is not limited to increasing awareness of potential security issues and proactively developing crisis management strategies and tactical solutions for faith-based organizations.
  • Global Underwriters Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion insurance is worldwide, including exposures at home.
  • These plans also respond to Extortion threats to harm staff, clergy, members or guests, to cause damage to physical property, or to introduce a computer virus.
  • Global Underwriters Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion policies include access to 24/7 Emergency Crisis Response services.
  • In addition to providing ransom monies, these policies can include certain liability coverage and extra expenses tied to violent attacks and/or threats, providing victim death benefits as well as needed medical / rehabilitation / psychiatric / funeral expense coverages.

Who’s purchasing this coverage:

  • Faith-Based/Religious Organizations.
  • Houses of Worship, Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
  • Parochial Schools
  • Missionary Groups
  • Outreach Initiatives/Educational Programs

Start KRE Application Today

Foreign General Liability

Most Faith-Based organizations understand the legal exposures they face here at home, but when they venture to other country’s they encounter many laws, languages and customs that are unfamiliar to them. Domestic insurance does not adequately respond to certain risks organizations may encounter when traveling or operating outside of the country. Failure to fully evaluate and understand international insurance needs could result in unexpected and costly gaps in coverage. Mitigating risk is essential to the vitality of the institution, particularly when faith-based organizations have operations abroad (missionary work, conventions, meetings or outreach programs). Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation and even Foreign Property coverage should be considered if the organization is renting or purchasing building space. Global Underwriters Foreign General Liability insurance should be the first line of defense against costly legal actions arising from events occurring outside United States borders.

Product Utilization:

Foreign Commercial General Liability

Situation: U.S. clergy or staff is travelling overseas to South Africa and uses an electric plug adapter. The adapter overheats while they are out of the room, and some smoke triggers the room sprinklers. The room, as well as the room below it, have water damage, and the hotel owner is demanding to be repaid for the damage. Your domestic GL declines to cover because it happened outside of the U.S.

Solution: Your Foreign GL policy would provide third party property liability for damages caused by your employee while travelling internationally. It would pay for the cost of defense, expenses, and damages that you are liable for.

Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation

Situation: Your organization sends workers overseas to set up for a faith-based conference. While working on a ladder, an employee falls and breaks his hip. He is unable to work for 6 months while healing, and your domestic Workers Comp only provides coverage in the U.S.

Solution: A Foreign GL policy that includes Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation provides State-of-Hire or Country-of-Origin benefits to all employees working internationally. This would pay for items such as their lost wages and medical bills, with the goal of making the employee whole and protecting your organization.

Foreign Auto Liability

Situation: U.S. based clergy or staff travels to Mexico and rents a car with $40,000 in local auto liability (compulsory under Mexico law). They are in an accident where a passenger in the other vehicle dies, and the driver is seriously injured. Their liability greatly exceeds the $40,000 they purchased, and the organization and employee can both be held responsible.

Solution: A Foreign GL policy can be bundled with contingent auto liability coverage, with limits of up to $1,000,000 per covered accident, and extends coverage to both the organization and the employee.

Additional Benefits:

Travel Accident and Sickness – Provides an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Travel Medical benefit. This benefit also provides vital 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance – you can call anytime, anywhere, and speak to someone for advice or help.

Kidnap and Ransom – Provides coverage for ransom and extortion of your company and employees. This also includes access to a Crisis Management company who will manage your case for you

Who’s purchasing this coverage:

  • Faith Based/Religious Organizations.
  • Houses of Worship, Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
  • Parochial Schools
  • Missionary Groups
  • Outreach Initiatives/Educational Programs

Start FGL Application Today

Active Shooter

Active Shooter/Felonious Assault Group Accident

Unfortunately, serious accidents and more recently deadly shootings have happened at houses of worship around the country. Religious leaders struggle with ever present safety issues and maintaining an openness in the hopes of keeping and attracting new members. The staggering number of violent attacks at churches, mosques, and synagogues are prompting places of worship to reevaluate their security and risk management procedures. As alarming as this may seem, there are ways to properly mitigate financial, legal, and safety risks. Having a comprehensive holistic approach to insurance, risk management, and security can and will provide the peace of mind that religious leaders and members are looking for.

Product Utilization:

  • A comprehensive approach should be considered and include adequate amounts of accident insurance coupled with sound risk management strategies, security, and active shooter training.
  • Faith based accident plan designs are flexible and customized to meet the organizations needs and can provide accident medical, accidental death and dismemberment, coma, paralysis, and active shooter – felonious assault coverage.
  • Policies are written on an annual policy term and may cover specific activities that are agreed to in advance.
  • Policies can be primary or excess coverage and written on a mandatory basis.
  • Higher risk activities or special events can be added to the policy on an optional basis.

Who’s purchasing this coverage:

  • Faith Based/Religious Organizations.
  • Houses of Worship, Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
  • Parochial Schools
  • Missionary Groups
  • Outreach Initiatives/Educational Programs
“Global Underwriters really helped us understand some of the gaps in coverage and they quickly pointed out areas where we were either uninsured or underinsured for international risks, we really appreciated all their help. Thank you!"

- Wesley (Florida, USA)

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