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Foreign General Liability

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Defense against costly legal actions arising from events occurring outside U.S. borders.

Most U.S.-based organizations understand the legal exposures they face here at home. However, when you venture to other countries, you can encounter many unfamiliar laws, languages and customs. This can lead to costly legal actions against your company. Make sure your company is protected with this customized legal coverage for international exposure.

Product Highlights

  • Foreign General Liability
  • Foreign Workers Compensation
  • Property Damage
  • Travel Accident and Illness
  • 24-Hour Travel Assistance

Ideal For

  • Multinational Companies
  • Companies with International Travel
  • Church or Mission Groups
  • Education Institutions and Non-Profits
  • Sole Proprietors


Foreign General Liability

Make Foreign General Liability coverage the first line of defense against costly legal actions arising from events occurring outside United States borders.

  • When your company manufactures and distributes products outside of the U.S., Foreign liability insurance will protect your company in the event an employee faces foreign lawsuit or injury. It will protect assets that may become seized, allow for the continuation of future foreign business, and may allow foreign judgments to be satisfied in the U.S.
  • When your company rents offices or runs meetings, product demonstrations or trade shows in foreign companies. Purchasing foreign liability insurance protects for damages or injuries arising from such operations.
  • When any of your employees temporarily work in foreign territory and face injury or death, need immediate medical attention, or request emergency evacuation.
  • When employees, in a foreign country, need emergency travel services in the case of language barriers or political, medical or legal problems.
    When your company employee uses a vehicle outside the U.S.
  • When employees travel to certain Middle East, African Nation’s or Central & South American Countries where Kidnap (express Kidnapping), Ransom, and Extortion are more common.


Foreign General Liability

To be eligible to purchase a Foreign General Liability policy, your organization must have a US address. Companies with no US presence are not eligible to purchase this coverage.

Claims Scenario

Foreign General Liability

Commercial General Liability

Situation: A US employee is traveling overseas to France and uses an electric plug adapter. The adapter overheats while they are out of the room, and some smoke triggers the room sprinklers. The room, as well as the room below it, have water damage, and the hotel owner is demanding to be repaid for the damage. Your domestic GL declines to cover because it happened outside of the US.

Solution: Your Foreign GL policy would provide third-party property liability for damages caused by your employee while traveling internationally. It would pay for the cost of defense, expenses, and damages that you are liable for.

Foreign Workers Compensation

Situation: Your company sends workers overseas to set up for an international conference. While working on a ladder, an employee falls and breaks his hip. He is unable to work for 6 months while healing, and your domestic Workers Comp only provides coverage in the US.

Solution: A Foreign GL policy that includes Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation provides State-of-Hire or Country-of-Origin benefits to all employees working internationally. This would pay for items such as their lost wages and medical bills, with the goal of making the employee whole and protecting your organization.

Auto Liability

Situation: A US-based employee travels to Mexico and rents a car with $40,000 in local auto liability (compulsory under Mexico law). They are in an accident where a passenger in the other vehicle dies, and the driver is seriously injured. Their liability greatly exceeds the $40,000 they purchased, and the company and employee can both be held responsible.

Solution: A Foreign GL policy can be bundled with contingent auto liability coverage, with limits of up to $1,000,000 per covered accident, and extends coverage to both the employer and the employee.

Additional Benefits

Foreign General Liability

A Foreign GL policy can be bundled with a number of other vital coverages. Sometimes, these are considered ‘throw in’ benefits, and will not increase the premium of the policy. Other times there will be an additional premium. Global Underwriters can add and remove these lines to customize a program that is perfect for your needs and budget

Automobile Liability Provides contingent coverage for automobile, including owned, non-owned, and hired. This pays for things like third-party damage, damage to hired vehicle, and medical bills.

Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation – Provides state-of-hire or country-of-origin Workers Compensation benefits to employees working internationally. This benefit pays for things like medical bills related to a work injury, lost wages, and usually includes an Employers Liability benefit to protect the company in case of a suit by an employee.

Travel Accident and Sickness – Provides an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Travel Medical benefit. This benefit also provides vital 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance – you can call anytime, anywhere, and speak to someone for advice or help.


Kidnap and Ransom – Provides coverage for ransom and extortion of your company and employees. This also includes access to a Crisis Management company who will manage your case for you


Foreign General Liability

  1. How much does an FGL policy cost?
    • The cost will vary based on your company size, exposure, and needed benefits. Policies begin at a minimum premium of $2500, regardless of the insurance carrier,
  2. Who needs an FGL policy?
    • Any US-based organization with overseas exposure – like travel, export/import, or international offices – should have a Foreign GL policy in place to protect themselves
  3. I am an individual – can I get an FGL policy?
    • Yes! Sole Proprietors, as well as larger organizations, can protect themselves with an FGL policy
  4. What are the coverage limits of an FGL policy?
    • Limits for Commercial General Liability begin at $1,000,000. We can increase those limits on request. If limits higher than $5mill+ are needed, we will need additional justification for underwriter review

Start FGL Application Today

“Global Underwriters has been a godsend for me in a world of liability insurance that I know next to nothing about, thank you so much.”

- Patricia (Arizona, USA)

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