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Global Accident Protection Plan

AD&D & Med-Evac for Travel Outside Your Home Country

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Emergency Medical Evacuation & AD&D Coverage for Individuals Traveling Outside Their Home Country (No Medical Coverage)

Our Global Accident Protection Plan (GAPP) provides Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) benefits and optional Emergency Medical Evacuation/Repatriation benefits for anyone traveling outside their home country. This plan does not include medical accident and sickness coverage.

Product Highlights

  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Paralysis / Coma /Seat Belt /
    Airbag / Assault Benefits
  • Political & Natural Disaster Evacuation
  • Home Alteration & Vehicle Modification
  • Emergency Reunion
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • War Risk Coverage

Ideal For

  • Business or Leisure Travel
  • Individuals Traveling Outside
    of Their Home Country
  • Employees Traveling
    Internationally for Their Company
  • Individuals Who Are Participating in
    Hazardous Activities or Sports
  • Individuals Traveling to War Risk Areas


Our Global Accident Protection Plan (GAPP) provides Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefits and optional Medical Evacuation Benefits to those traveling outside their home country.

1. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefits

This Plan will provide benefits if the Insured Person’s Injury results in death or dismemberment within 365 days after the date of a covered accident. (See AD&D Benefits section above for more info)

2. Medical Evacuation Benefits (Optional)

If you are injured or become ill while traveling abroad, it can lead to serious expenses and complications. Sometimes there are no medical facilities near you with adequate equipment and medicine. Our Medical Evacuation coverage will cover expenses needed for immediate transportation from the place where you are located to a medical facility that is more suited to your needs. (See Optional Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefits section above for more info)

AD&D can be purchased with or without Medical Evacuation benefits.  Additional benefits may be purchased as well (See Optional Enhancements section above for more info).

This valuable travel protection is ideal for students, business and leisure travelers, study abroad, international exchange students, tourists, holiday travelers, and church or missionary travelers.

If you would like to have a higher AD&D benefit than what GAPP provides, please see our High Limit Accident Application.

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Global Accident Protection Plan (GAPP) provides Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefits and optional Medical Evacuation Benefits (type of coverage is limited to the plan options for which premium is paid) to those traveling outside their home country. Coverage is available for 2 adults, any unmarried dependent children ages 14 days until their 18th birthday, or children traveling alone.

Please Note:

  • Coverage is NOT available for travel in Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Israel, Nepal, or Palestinian Territories.
  • Coverage is NOT available for residents of Australia and Iran, or residents of New York, Maryland and South Dakota.


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Period of Coverage

The minimum period of coverage that can be purchased under this plan is 1 day and the maximum period of coverage is 365 days.

Coverage will begin at 12:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time on the latest of the following: 1) The date the Company receives a completed application or enrollment form; or 2) The moment Plan Participant exits their Home Country airspace; or 3) The Date the Company approves the Application; or 4) The Date requested by the Plan Participant.

Coverage will end at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on the earliest of the following: 1) The date Plan Participant is no longer in an Eligible Class; or 2) The date the Plan Participant’s Trip is completed; or; 3) The expiration of 365 days from the Effective Date of Coverage; or 4) The date shown on the Schedule of Insurance issued by the Company.


Refund of premium, less a $25 processing fee, will be considered only if written request is received by Global Underwriters prior to the effective date of coverage. After that date, the premium is considered fully earned and non-refundable. Partial refunds are not available.

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AD&D Benefits

Accidental Death, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight, and Speech and Hearing – The amount of the Principal Sum is $100,000 (Limited to $25,000 for those under age 18)

If within 365 days after the date of a covered accident, the Insured Person’s Injury results in death or dismemberment, this Plan provides the following benefits for loss of:

Description of Loss Indemnity
Life Principal Sum
Both Hands or Both Feet or Sight of Both Eyes Principal Sum
One Hand and One Foot Principal Sum
Either Hand or Foot and Sight of One Eye Principal Sum
Either Hand or Foot or Sight of One Eye One-Half the Principal Sum


Paralysis Benefit – If the Accident or Injury renders a Plan Participant Paralyzed within 365 days of the date of the Injury, in any one of the types of paralysis specified below, The Company will pay up to a maximum of $25,000 as follows:

Type of Paralysis (Loss)      Indemnity
Quadriplegia $25,000
Paraplegia $18,750
Hemiplegia $12,500
Uniplegia $6,250


Coma Benefit – If a covered Injury renders an Insured Person Comatose within 90 days of the date of the accident that caused the Injury, and if the Coma continues for a period of 30 consecutive days, The Company will pay a monthly benefit equal to 1% of the maximum amount.

Seat Belt and Airbag Benefit  – The Company will pay a benefit if the Insured Person suffers accidental death while operating, or riding as a passenger in an Automobile and he/she was wearing a properly fastened seat belt, properly installed by a factory authorized dealer and was positioned in a seat protected by a properly functioning Supplemental Restraint System, properly installed by a factory authorized dealer that inflates on impact.

Felonious Assault Benefit – The Company will pay a benefit if an Insured Person suffers one or more losses for which benefits are payable under the Accidental Dismemberment Benefit or Coma Benefit provided by the plan as a result of a Felonious Assault.

Home Alteration and Vehicle Modification – The Company will pay Covered Home Alteration and Vehicle Modification Expenses that are incurred within one year after the date of the accident causing such loss(es).

*Some Exclusions Apply*

View the full GAPP Description of Coverage.

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Optional Emergency
Medical Evacuation

Optional Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefits

Emergency Medical Evacuation – If it is determined by the Assistance Company and your Physician that it is necessary for You to have an Emergency Medical Evacuation, benefits are paid for Covered Expense incurred up to $100,000 for any covered Injury or Illness that requires immediate transportation from the place where You are located (due to inadequate medical facilities).

Repatriation – If it is determined by the Assistance Company and your Physician that it is Medically Necessary for You to return to Your primary place of residence because of an unforeseen Sickness or Injury which is acute or life-threatening, the Transportation Expense incurred within 90 days from the date of the Covered Loss will be paid for Your return to Your Home Country or to a medical facility closest to Your primary place of residence.

Return of Mortal Remains – If death occurs, Benefits will be paid for Reasonable and Customary Covered Expenses to return Your remains to Your Home Country.

Emergency Medical Reunion – If it is determined by the Assistance Company and your Physician that it is necessary for You to have an Emergency Medical Evacuation, this Plan will arrange to bring an individual of Your choice, from Your current Home Country, to be at Your side while You are hospitalized and then accompany You during Your return home.

Return of Minor Child(ren) – Should the Insured Person be traveling alone with a Minor Child(ren) and be hospitalized because of a covered Illness or Injury and Your Minor Child(ren) is left unattended, the Assistance Company will arrange for a one way economy fare(s) to Your current Home Country.

Political and Natural Disaster Evacuation – Coverage is provided up to $50,000 if the Insured requires emergency evacuation due to situations which place him/her in Imminent Bodily Harm or due to a Natural Disaster.

*Some Exclusions Apply*

View the full GAPP Description of Coverage.

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Optional Enhancements

  • Emergency Medical Evacuation

  • Athletic Sports & Hazardous Activity Coverage

  • War Risk Coverage


Emergency Medical Evacuation

Please see the Emergency Medical Evacuation section above.

Athletic Sports & Hazardous Activity Coverage

The Athletic Sports & Hazardous Activity Rider provides coverage if Your Injury results from the below enumerated Athletic Sports & Hazardous activities. The insured can purchase coverage, with the payment of additional premium, from specific bundled options of Athletic Sports & Hazardous Activities.

Table 1:
FOR: Athletic Sports & Hazardous Activities that are
NOT: Intercollegiate or Interscholastic Athletics; Club Sports; or Organized Amateur Sports. Under this coverage, covered expenses are payable to the policy maximums.

Low Option

BMX; Bobsledding; Bungee Jumping; Canoeing/Kayaking; Canopying; Cave tubing; Hang Gliding; Horseback Riding; Hot Air Ballooning; Jet Skiing; Martial Arts/Karate (Non-competitive); Motor Scooter;  Motorcycling; Mountain Biking; Piloting any Non-commercial Aircraft; Safari; Scuba Diving (Not to exceed 30 feet, Resort Course or equivalent required); Snow Skiing (Recreational); Snowboarding (Recreational); Snowmobiling; Spelunking/Caving; Surfing (Recreational); Trekking (Not exceeding Class IV Difficulty on Yosemite Decimal System); Wakeboarding; Water skiing; Whitewater Rafting (Class I through V rapids); Wind Surfing; Zip Lining.

Middle Option

Aerial Photograph (Use of proper restraints required); BMX (Racing or Competitive); Flying in any chartered/leased aircraft or helicopter; Heli-skiing; High Diving; Hot Air Ballooning (As a pilot); Mountain Climbing (14,000 ft. & below – Ropes & proper safety equipment required); Parachuting; Paragliding; Parasailing; Parascending; Rock Climbing (Ropes & proper safety equipment required); Scuba Diving (Below 30 feet, PADI/NAUI Certification required, or insured must be accompanied by a certified diving instructor); Skydiving; Snow Skiing Off-Piste.

Table 2:
FOR: Intercollegiate or Interscholastic Athletics; Club Sports; or Organized Amateur Sports. Under this coverage, covered expenses under the medical maximum are limited to $20,000.

Low Option

Ballet; Baseball; Cheerleading; Cross Country; Diving; Equestrian; Fencing; Field Hockey; Golf; Polo (Horse); Polo (Water); Rowing; Softball; Surfing; Swimming; Tennis; Track & Field; Volleyball.

Middle Option

Basketball; Competitive Cycling (Road, Track, CX); Ice Hockey; Inline Skating (Helmet & Proper Equipment Required); Lacrosse; Martial Arts/Karate; Modern Pentathlon; Skiing (Slalom, Giant Slalom, Downhill); Ski Jumping; Wrestling.

High Option

Football (No Division One); Gymnastics; Rugby (No Division One); Soccer.

Excess Benefits – All Coverage, except Accidental Death & Dismemberment, shall be in excess of all other valid and collectible insurance.

War Risk Coverage

In consideration of the payment of premium calculated in the manner stated in the policy to which the rider is attached, it is hereby agreed that for additional premium the policy is amended as follows: Any Exclusion under this Plan for “declared or undeclared war or any act thereof” is waived for an Insured Person’s loss caused in whole or in part by, or resulting in whole or in part from, declared or undeclared war or any act of declared or undeclared war, subject to the following restriction: The waiver only applies with respect to accidents that occur within the geographic limits or territorial waters of, or airspace above the geographic limits or territorial waters of a Designated War Risk Territory (as defined herein). War Risk Coverage in a high risk country (listed below) requires payment of an additional premium and advance notice of travel. Termination Date- War Risk Coverage ends on the earliest of: (1) the date the Policy terminates; (2) the date specified in the Company’s written notice to the Policyholder or Participating Organization of the Company’s intent to terminate War Risk Coverage (or 10 days after the date the written notice is received by the Policyholder or Participating Organization, if later).Termination of War Risk Coverage will not affect a claim for a covered loss that occurred while War Risk Coverage was in effect.

War Risk Area 1 (High War Risk – coverage is mandatory – covers your travels to countries in War Risk Areas 1, 2, and 3)

Algeria, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russian Federation (North Caucasus Region of Russia), Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.

War Risk Area 2 (Medium War Risk – coverage is highly recommended – covers your travels to countries in War Risk Areas 2 and 3)

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Dem. Republic of Congo, East Timor, Egypt, Eritrea, Haiti, India (Jammu, Kashmir and Mumbai), Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

War Risk Area 3 (Low War Risk – recommended – covers your travels to countries in War Risk Area 3)

All other countries not listed in Area 1 or Area 2 locations. (Except for countries not eligible on the policy.)

Country Specific Information – We provide Country Specific Information for every country of the world. For each country, you will find information like the location of the U.S. embassy and any consular offices; whether you need a visa; crime and security information; health and medical conditions; drug penalties; and localized hot spots. This is a good place to start learning about where you are going.

Changes in Terms and Conditions – The terms and conditions of War Risk Coverage, including but not limited to the definition of the Designated War Risk Territory(ies), may be changed at any time to reflect conditions that, in the opinion of the Company, constitute a change in the war risk exposure of the Participating Organization or the Insured Person.

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View our Claims Frequently Asked Questions.

Global Claims Administration
3195 Linwood Avenue, Suite 201
Cincinnati OH 45208


*All attachments sent to the claims email must be in PDF format.

Inside U.S. and Canada: 800-513-2981
Outside U.S. and Canada: 513-533-1330

Fax: 513-533-9416

Claim Forms – The Company, upon receipt of a written notice of claim, will furnish to the claimant such forms as are usually furnished by it for filing proofs of loss. If such forms are not furnished within 15 days after the giving of such notice, the claimant shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this Plan by submitting, within the time fixed in this Plan for filing proofs of loss, written proof showing the occurrence, nature and extent of the loss for which claim is made. View Claim Forms

Proofs of Loss – Written proof of loss must be furnished to The Company at its said office in case of claim for loss for which this plan provides any periodic payment contingent upon continuing loss within 90 days after termination of each period for which The Company is liable and in case of claim for any other loss within 90 days after the date of such loss. Failure to furnish proof within the time required shall not invalidate nor reduce any claim if it is not reasonably possible to give proof within such time, provided proof is furnished as soon as reasonably possible.

Time of Payment of Claims – Indemnities payable under the plan for any loss other than loss for which the plan provides any periodic will be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof of such loss. Subject to due written proof of loss, all accrued indemnities for loss for which the plan provides periodic payment will be paid at the expiration of each four weeks during the continuance of the period for which The Company is liable, and any balance remaining unpaid upon the termination of liability will be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof.

Payment of Claims – Indemnity for loss of life will be payable in accordance without the beneficiary designation and the provisions respecting such payment which may be prescribed herein and effective at the time of payment. If no such designation or provision is then effective, such indemnity shall be payable to the estate of the Insured Person. Any other accrued indemnities unpaid at the Insured Person’s death may, at the option of The Company, be paid either to such beneficiary or to such estate. All other indemnities will be payable to the Insured Person. If any indemnity of the policy shall be payable to the estate of an Insured Person, or to an Insured Person who is a minor or otherwise not competent to give a valid release, The Company may pay such indemnity, up to an amount not exceeding $1000 to any relative by blood or connection by marriage of the Insured Person who is deemed by The Company to be equitably entitled thereto. Any payment made by The Company in good faith pursuant to this provision shall fully discharge The Company to the extent of such payment. Subject to any written direction of the Insured Person all or a portion of any indemnities provided by this plan on account of Hospital, nursing, medical or surgical service may, at The Company’s option and unless the Insured Person requests otherwise in writing not later than at the time for filing proof of such loss, be paid directly to the Hospital or person rendering such services, but it is not required that the service be rendered by a particular Hospital or person.

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What is a Deductible?
The Deductible is the amount of covered expenses which is your responsibility to pay before benefits under the plan are payable.

What is Coinsurance?
Coinsurance is the percentage amount of covered expenses, after the Deductible, which is your responsibility to pay.

What’s the difference between all of the plans for this product? 
All of the Plans have the same standard benefits (i.e. Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation, Emergency Reunion, Trip Interruption, etc.). The different plans allow you to choose which Medical maximum benefit limit you would like. The medical maximum limit, is what the policy will pay up to should you need to go to the doctor, urgent care or hospital.

Where do I put my agent information?
The agent information (name, phone, and email) is collected on the first page when obtaining a quote. This is the only location this information can be provided.

Do you need passport information for all members of my family? 
No, passport information will only be collected for the primary insured.

What is a Beneficiary?
A Beneficiary is the person named by the policy holder to receive the Accidental Death Benefit should this benefit be payable. This may be any person chosen by the policy holder.

Why do I need to designate a beneficiary? 
We offer an Accident Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit on our policies. This is accident life insurance, so you will need to name a beneficiary to receive this benefit.

Can I pay by check instead of a credit card? 
Yes, you can either request a paper application or complete the online process and choose the option ‘printing out your policy request’ on the payment page and following the provided instructions.

When is the latest I can purchase this policy before I leave on my trip? 
Policies can be purchased up until the day before your trip departure or desired effective date.

Can I renew my coverage on this plan?
Coverage under this plan is not renewable. If additional coverage time is needed, a new application must be completed and correct premium submitted to Global Underwriters Agency.

Can I cancel my policy and get a refund of premium?
Less a $25 processing fee, a refund will be considered only when a written request is received by Global Underwriters Agency prior to the effective date of individual coverage. After the effective date of individual coverage, premium is considered fully earned and non-refundable. Partial refunds are not available.

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Plan Documents

GAPP Plan Resources



Is COVID-19 Covered?

For the GAPP Plan, Emergency Medical Evacuation (if this benefit is purchased) related to Covid-19 is not excluded. But please note that the GAPP Plan does not have medical accident & sickness coverage.

"I am profoundly grateful for the prompt and courteous assistance that Global Underwriters provided to me. I will most definitely contact your company again to purchase the appropriate coverage."

- Richard (Seattle, WA)

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